High School Equivalency

Adult High School is a tuition-free distance learning program (meaning you take courses online) that lets you learn at your own pace and on your own schedule. The program consists of core courses required by the public school system along with electives offered by the community college. A work experience component may be offered. An Adult High School diploma is issued locally by Forsyth Tech. There is no cost to the student for courses. The college may charge a graduation or student activities fee. To receive a copy of a diploma or transcript, the student must contact Forsyth Tech.
Adult High School Entrance Requirements
- Students must be at least 16 years old to enroll in any class.
- Students must attend orientation (see below)

At Forsyth Tech students can earn a HSE diploma by taking either the GED or HiSET tests. The test taken is indicated on transcripts but not on diplomas. HSE candidates must register and pay for tests online, then complete the tests at the approved testing centers at Forsyth Tech. Candidates who successfully complete the HSE tests in North Carolina will receive a diploma from the State Board of the Community College System. The High School Equivalency program is offered at:
West Campus
1300 Bolton St.
Winston-Salem, NC
Stokes County
1165 Dodgetown Rd.
Walnut Cove, NC 27052
2701 University Pkwy
Winston-Salem, NC
HSE en Español (HSE in Spanish)
Esta lista de espera es para futuros estudiantes para el Curso de Preparación para el GED que viene en 2025. Este curso proveerá preparación para tomar el GED en español igual que ofrecer apoyo con el inglés (ESL).
This waiting list is for Prospective students for GED Prep Course in Spanish coming for 2025. This course will provide preparation for taking the GED in Spanish while also providing ESL support
Lista para el Curso de Preparación para el GEDRegister for the Orientation Session
- Sign up for an Orientation with the links provided.
- We will contact you by email, so please give us an email address that you or a family
member currently uses. - Next, take your placement test.
- Last, meet with our CCR team to receive your class schedule!
- If you need to speak to someone from the CCR team please call (336) 734-7761.
Documents that must be brought to orientation:
- Social Security or Tax ID card (signed) (copies not accepted). If you do not have access to one
of these items, you may still be eligible to participate. Call us at (336) 734-7761 for information. - Government or state issued photo ID (no school or work ID’s accepted)
- If applying for Adult High School: High School Transcript from last high school attended
Minors (Ages 16 & 17)
Minor aged students and your parents/legal guardians age 18 years or older, please bring the
completed and signed minor release forms and required documentation with you at the time of your
appointment. If you have any questions, call our general information line.
COVID-19 Disclaimer
If you have a fever, or feel sick, or have been exposed to COVID-19 in the last 5 days, please reschedule your testing appointment with us. Reply to your email containing your testing instructions and let us know you need to reschedule. You can also call our general information line to change your appointment.
Minors (Ages 16 & 17) must bring:
- Social Security or Tax ID card (signed) (copies not accepted). If you do not have access to one
of these items, you may still be eligible to participate. Please give us a call at (336) 734-7761. - Government or state issued photo ID (no school or work ID’s accepted)
- Minor Release Form – AHS/HSE (Requires notarized signature of parent or guardian. This minor release form is for Adult High School/HSE students ONLY.)
Forms may be downloaded with the link below or picked up in Room 6 on West Campus.
Minor Release Form