Associate Degree in Applied Science
What You’ll Learn
Studying biotechnology at Forsyth Tech provides a comprehensive education in this dynamic field. Gain hands-on experience in state-of-the-art labs, mastering techniques like DNA sequencing, gene editing, and cell culture. Explore the ethical and regulatory aspects of biotechnology while developing critical thinking and problem-solving skills. Learn from experienced faculty who guide you through courses on molecular biology, bioinformatics, and bioprocessing. Prepare for a successful career shaping the future of science and technology.
- Lab Skills
- Genetic Engineering
- Bioinformatics Proficiency
- Bioprocessing Techniques
- Ethical Awareness
- Molecular Biology
- Research Competence
- Industry Readiness
Curriculum & Class Schedule
AComprehensive Articulation Agreement (This course is recommended for students transferring to a four-year university.)
LLocal Requirement
IInstructional Service Agreement
UUniversal General Education Transfer Component (UGETC)
GGlobal Distinction
Disclaimer line: This is a suggested list. You will consult with an academic advisor to develop your exact curriculum, based on your interests and any credits you may already have obtained prior to arriving at Forsyth Tech.
BIO 111: General Biology I
UCredit Hours: 4
BTC 150: Bioethics
RCredit Hours: 3
ENG 111: Writing and Inquiry
U G RCredit Hours: 3
BIO 112: General Biology II
U RCredit Hours: 4
Select one:
MAT 110: Mathematical Measurement and Literacy
RCredit Hours: 3
MAT 143: Quantitative Literacy
U G RCredit Hours: 3
MAT 171: Precalculus Algebra
U RCredit Hours: 4
BTC 181: Basic Lab Techniques
Credit Hours: 4
Select one:
CHM 131: Introduction to Chemistry
Credit Hours: 3
CHM 131A: Introduction to Chemistry Lab
Credit Hours: 1
CHM 151: General Chemistry I
UCredit Hours: 4
BTC 281: Bioprocess Techniques
RCredit Hours: 4
Select one:
CHM 132: Organic and Biochemistry
RCredit Hours: 4
CHM 152: General Chemistry II
U RCredit Hours: 4
BIO 275: Microbiology
RCredit Hours: 4
Select one:
ENG 112: Writing/Research in the Disc (Global)
U G RCredit Hours: 3
COM 231: Public Speaking (Global)
U GCredit Hours: 3
BIO 250: Genetics
RCredit Hours: 4
BTC 285: Cell Culture
RCredit Hours: 4
BTC 270: Recombinant DNA Tech
RCredit Hours: 4
CIS 110: Introduction to Computers
Credit Hours: 3
MAT 152: Statistical Methods I (Global)
U G RCredit Hours: 4
Select one:
BTC 288: Biotechnology Lab Experience
RCredit Hours: 2
WBL 111: Work-Based Learning I
Credit Hours: 1
Select one:
PSY 118: Interpersonal Psychology
Credit Hours: 3
PSY 150: General Psychology (Global)
U GCredit Hours: 3
Select one:
HUM 110: Technology and Society (Global)
Credit Hours: 3
HUM 220: Human Values and Meaning (Global)
RCredit Hours: 3
PHI 215: Philosophical Issues
A U RCredit Hours: 3
PHI 240: Introduction to Ethics (Global)
U RCredit Hours: 3
AComprehensive Articulation Agreement (This course is recommended for students transferring to a four-year university.)
LLocal Requirement
IInstructional Service Agreement
UUniversal General Education Transfer Component (UGETC)
GGlobal Distinction

- Research Assistant
- Laboratory Technician
- Genetics Counselor
- Biotechnical Engineer
- Entrepreneur/Start-up
Visit us today!
Forsyth Tech is located at:
2100 Silas Creek Parkway,
Winston-Salem, NC 27103