Diesel and Heavy Equipment Technology
What You’ll Learn
Forsyth Tech’s Diesel and Heavy Equipment Technology program provides hands-on training in engine diagnostics, repair, electrical systems, preventive maintenance, and more. Graduates are well-prepared for entry-level positions in servicing and repairing heavy equipment, gaining experience in a diesel shop environment.
- Engine Overhaul
- Drive Trains
- Lubrication
- Cooling
- Steering
- Suspension
- Transmission
- Safety
Curriculum & Class Schedule
AComprehensive Articulation Agreement (This course is recommended for students transferring to a four-year university.)
LLocal Requirement
IInstructional Service Agreement
UUniversal General Education Transfer Component (UGETC)
GGlobal Distinction
Disclaimer line: This is a suggested list. You will consult with an academic advisor to develop your exact curriculum, based on your interests and any credits you may already have obtained prior to arriving at Forsyth Tech.
HET 110: Diesel Engines
Credit Hours: 6
HET 125: Preventive Maintenance
Credit Hours: 2
HET 230: Air Brakes
Credit Hours: 2
TRN 120: Basic Transp Electricity
Credit Hours: 5
ELN 112: Diesel Electronics System
Credit Hours: 4
ENG 110: Freshman Composition
RCredit Hours: 3
HET 119: Mechanical Transmissions
Credit Hours: 3
MAT 110: Mathematical Measurement and Literacy
RCredit Hours: 3
TRN 140: Transp Climate Control
RCredit Hours: 2
HET 114: Power Trains
Credit Hours: 5
HET 233: Suspension and Steering
Credit Hours: 4
HYD 112: Hydraulics/Med/Heavy Duty
Credit Hours: 2
AComprehensive Articulation Agreement (This course is recommended for students transferring to a four-year university.)
LLocal Requirement
IInstructional Service Agreement
UUniversal General Education Transfer Component (UGETC)
GGlobal Distinction

- Diesel Engine Mechanic
- Heavy Equipment Technician
- Fleet Maintenance Manager
- Agricultural Equipment Mechanic
- Power Generation Equipment Mechanic
- Construction Equipment Mechanic
Visit us today!
Forsyth Tech’s Transportation Technology Center is located at:
4255 N Patterson Ave,
Winston-Salem, NC 27105