Graphic Arts & Imaging Technology
Associate Degree in Applied Science
What You’ll Learn
At Forsyth Tech, you’ll gain the skills and knowledge you need to succeed in the fast-paced world of Graphic Arts & Imaging Technology. Our program covers the design fundamentals and software skills you’ll need to succeed in the printing and publishing industries. Experienced instructors who are passionate about helping you reach your full potential will guide your hands-on training in computer publishing, imaging technology, offset lithography, screen printing and emerging printing technologies. Join us and turn your passion for creativity into a rewarding career today!
- Design
- Typography
- Color theory
- Layout
- Printmaking
- Illustration
- Branding
Curriculum & Class Schedule
AComprehensive Articulation Agreement (This course is recommended for students transferring to a four-year university.)
LLocal Requirement
IInstructional Service Agreement
UUniversal General Education Transfer Component (UGETC)
GGlobal Distinction
Disclaimer line: This is a suggested list. You will consult with an academic advisor to develop your exact curriculum, based on your interests and any credits you may already have obtained prior to arriving at Forsyth Tech.
GRA 110: Graphic Arts Orientation
Credit Hours: 2
GRA 121: Graphic Arts I
Credit Hours: 4
GRA 151: Computer Graphics I
Credit Hours: 2
GRA 161: Computer Graphics Apps I
RCredit Hours: 1
GRD 141: Graphic Design I
Credit Hours: 4
Select one:
CIS 110: Introduction to Computers
Credit Hours: 3
CIS 111: Basic PC Literacy
Credit Hours: 2
ENG 111: Writing and Inquiry
U G RCredit Hours: 3
GRA 152: Computer Graphics II
RCredit Hours: 2
GRA 162: Computer Graphics Apps II
RCredit Hours: 1
GRA 221: Graphic Arts II
RCredit Hours: 4
GRA 255: Image Manipulation I
RCredit Hours: 2
GRD 142: Graphic Design II
RCredit Hours: 4
GRA 256: Image Manipulation II
RCredit Hours: 2
: Humanities/Fine Arts Elective
Credit Hours: 3
Select one:
COM 231: Public Speaking (Global)
U GCredit Hours: 3
ENG 115: Oral Communication
Credit Hours: 3
Select one:
MAT 110: Mathematical Measurement and Literacy
RCredit Hours: 3
MAT 143: Quantitative Literacy
U G RCredit Hours: 3
GRA 153: Computer Graphics III
RCredit Hours: 2
GRA 222: Graphic Arts III
RCredit Hours: 4
GRD 265: Digital Print Production
RCredit Hours: 3
Select one:
PSY 118: Interpersonal Psychology
Credit Hours: 3
PSY 150: General Psychology (Global)
U GCredit Hours: 3
GRA 245: Printing Sales/Service
Credit Hours: 3
GRA 257: Image Manipulation III
RCredit Hours: 2
PRN 155: Screen Printing I
Credit Hours: 2
PRN 221: Offset Press Operations
Credit Hours: 3
Select one:
BUS 110: Introduction to Business
Credit Hours: 3
BUS 230: Small Business Management
Credit Hours: 3
AComprehensive Articulation Agreement (This course is recommended for students transferring to a four-year university.)
LLocal Requirement
IInstructional Service Agreement
UUniversal General Education Transfer Component (UGETC)
GGlobal Distinction

- Graphic Designer
- Printing Technician
- Pre-Press Technician
- Print Press Operator
- Digital Print Production
Visit us today!
Forsyth Tech is located at:
2100 Silas Creek Parkway,
Winston-Salem, NC 27103