Manage your Password

Self-service password management allows you to manage your TechID account should you forget your password or your password expires. Your TechID is the username assigned by the college that ends in (students, faculty, & staff). Please refer to information technology university policies regarding TechID account lifecyle.

Setup Profile - New accounts must enroll. You must configure phone and security settings.
Update Profile - Update your profile settings such as security questions, phone number, and alternate email.
Reset Password - Forgot your password? Reset it. Be sure to enroll in password management first.
Change Password - Change or update your password. Note: you must know your current password to use this option. If you do not know your current password, use the "Reset Password" option above.
Unlock Account - Unlock your account without resetting your password.

New Students

What is my TechID?

Your TechID can be determined using the following formula:

Last Name + First Initial of Your First Name
+ Day You Were Born
+ Last Two Digits of Your Student ID Number

Name: Michelle Student
Birthday: 05/23/81
Student ID: 5843229

TechID =

What is my initial password?

Your initial TechID password can be determined using the following formula:

First two letters of last name + Date of Birth (MMDDYY)

Name: Michelle Student
Birthday: 05/23/81

Password = St052381

💙 February 12 is Forsyth Tech’s Day of Giving! 💙 Your gift changes lives—support students, faculty, and staff today!
Holiday Update! 🎅 Campus closed, but get virtual help for spring registration on Dec 20, 23, 27, 30 (8 AM-4 PM).