IT – Cybersecurity
Associate Degree in Applied Science
What You’ll Learn
Cybersecurity students can learn a wide variety of skills, including legal ethics, behavior patterns, forensic investigation, adversary offense and cyber defense.
Forsyth Tech’s iTec Center is a Center of Academic Excellence in Cyber Defense and is recognized by the National Security Administration (NSA) and the Department of Homeland Security (DHS)
- Security
- Cryptography
- Network
- Defense
- Risk
- Analysis
- Compliance
- Ethics
Curriculum & Class Schedule
AComprehensive Articulation Agreement (This course is recommended for students transferring to a four-year university.)
LLocal Requirement
IInstructional Service Agreement
UUniversal General Education Transfer Component (UGETC)
GGlobal Distinction
Disclaimer line: This is a suggested list. You will consult with an academic advisor to develop your exact curriculum, based on your interests and any credits you may already have obtained prior to arriving at Forsyth Tech.
CCT 110: Intro to Cyber Crime
Credit Hours: 3
CIS 110: Introduction to Computers
Credit Hours: 3
CTI 110: Web, Pgm, & Db Foundation
Credit Hours: 3
CTI 120: Network & Sec Foundation
Credit Hours: 3
SEC 110: Security Concepts
Credit Hours: 3
CCT 112: Ethics and High Technology
Credit Hours: 3
CCT 121: Computer Crime Invest
Credit Hours: 4
CCT 250: Network Vulnerabilities I
RCredit Hours: 3
NOS 120: Linux/UNIX Single User
Credit Hours: 3
SEC 160: Security Administration I
RCredit Hours: 3
CTS 115: Info Sys Business Concept
Credit Hours: 3
Select one:
ENG 110: Freshman Composition
RCredit Hours: 3
ENG 111: Writing and Inquiry
U G RCredit Hours: 3
Select one:
MAT 110: Mathematical Measurement and Literacy
RCredit Hours: 3
MAT 143: Quantitative Literacy
U G RCredit Hours: 3
MAT 171: Precalculus Algebra
U RCredit Hours: 4
CIS 115: Intro to Prog & Logic
RCredit Hours: 3
NET 125: Introduction to Networks
Credit Hours: 3
SEC 258: Security Complance
Credit Hours: 3
: Social/Behavioral Science Elective
Credit Hours: 3
: Humanities/Fine Arts Elective
Credit Hours: 3
PMT 111: Proj Mgmt Assessing Risk
Credit Hours: 3
SEC 285: Systems Security Project
RCredit Hours: 3
: ITS Elective (at least 1 Credit)
Credit Hours: 1
Select one:
COM 120: Intro Interpersonal Com (Global)
U GCredit Hours: 3
COM 231: Public Speaking (Global)
U GCredit Hours: 3
ENG 112: Writing/Research in the Disc (Global)
U G RCredit Hours: 3
AComprehensive Articulation Agreement (This course is recommended for students transferring to a four-year university.)
LLocal Requirement
IInstructional Service Agreement
UUniversal General Education Transfer Component (UGETC)
GGlobal Distinction

- Cyber Specialist
- Cyber Analyst
- Forensic Investigator
- Crime Scene Investigator
Visit us today!
2100 Silas Creek Parkway,
Winston-Salem, NC 27103